Appointment instructions
A visit consisting of pre-tests with an assistant and a meeting with the doctor will be planned.
Duration: 75-90 minutes
Bring your glasses
Bring your health insurance card
Bring an up-to-date medication list
Do not wear contact lenses for 7 days before the appointment
Apply artificial tears 4 times a day for 7 days before the appointment
Avoid wearing makeup
Come with a driver to allow an examination with pupillary dilation
Exam fees may apply

Other types of appointments
A visit consisting of pre-tests with an assistant and a meeting with the doctor will be planned.
Duration: 30-90 minutes
Bring your glasses
Bring your health insurance card
Bring an up-to-date medication list
Come with a driver to allow an examination with pupillary dilation
Exam fees may apply

Glaucoma or hydroxychloroquine screening
A first appointment for measurement examinations will be made by one of our assistants.
Duration: 30 minutes
Bring your glasses
Bring your health insurance card
Avoid wearing makeup
Exam fees may apply
You can come alone without a driver
A second visit for a meeting with the doctor will be scheduled.
Duration: 30-90 minutes
Bring your glasses
Bring your health insurance card
Bring an up-to-date medication list
Come with a driver to allow an examination with pupillary dilation